Everything You Need to Know About Down Payments

Throughout the home buying process, you are going to hear many terms that you may not be familiar with. A Realtor may talk to you about a home’s value or about what they found doing a CMA, comparative market analysis. Your lender might talk to you about your debt-to-income ratio or the latest mortgage interest rates. Fortunately, you don’t need to know all of these terms…

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How to Choose a Home Inspector

Buying your first home can be nerve-wracking, not to mention downright expensive. While it may seem tempting to cut your purchase expenses, resist the urge to skip the home inspection. Why? A home inspection helps you identify health, safety, and repair issues that you may need to ask the seller to remedy prior to closing. It can…

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What Are the Experts Saying About Future Home Prices?

A worldwide pandemic and an economic recession have had a tremendous effect on the nation. The uncertainty brought about by both has made predicting consumer behavior nearly impossible. For that reason, forecasting home prices has become extremely difficult. Normally, there’s a simple formula to determine the future price of any item: calculate the supply of that…

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How to Make a Strong Offer With Contingencies

What Is a Contingency? A contingency is a clause in the contract that defines a condition or action that must be met for the sales contract to become binding. Both parties, the buyer and the seller, must agree to the terms and sign the sales contract, contingencies included, to become binding. These added clauses enable you…

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How Long Can a Seller Take To Respond to Your Offer? Here’s a Reality Check

There’s nothing worse than sitting around waiting—especially when you’re waiting for a seller to respond to your offer on the biggest financial decision of your life. Yes, it’s excruciating. Unfortunately, waiting comes with the territory when you’re buying a house. But how long you have to wait is the bigger question. While there’s no official rule…

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